Translating specifications: everything you need to know

Translating specifications: everything you need to know

Specifications are an essential tool for any large-scale project. Whether technical, functional, or general, specifications have their own peculiarities, which can sometimes make translation a challenge. Find out all you need to know about the specifics of this type of translation and how to translate your specifications effectively.

What is a specification?

A specification is a document setting out the technical and functional aspects of a project. It provides a clear definition of your needs, constraints, and expectations in relation to the service required, while respecting your budget limitations.

How can a specification be translated successfully?

Any translation of a specification needs to be clearly understood by all of the multilingual players involved in the project. This stage therefore has a major impact on the quality of the final product or service, as well as on costs and lead times. Inaccurate or imprecise translations can lead to errors and delays in projects, as well as potential financial losses for customers.

In addition, one of the specific features of translating specifications is the diversity of the information they may contain. The translator may have to translate data of a technical, financial, commercial, or legal nature, etc. In addition, specifications follow strict formats and standards, which vary from one country to another.

To meet these challenges, you should use a translator who specialises in the sector concerned, and who is familiar with the technical terminology, nuances, and standards specific to the sector and the type of specifications involved (agri-food, retail, marketing, construction, design, etc.).

Using Optilingua to translate your specification

Optilingua offers you translations of specifications in over 100 languages (Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch, English, etc.) by experienced native speakers.

Our agency has 3,000 translation experts, including translators who specialise in your sector of activity, to produce high-quality specifications that are faithful to the original version.

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