Mobile Application Development with SMS and the SIM Toolkit

Mobile Application Development Using SMS and the SIM Toolkit is just the guide you’ve been looking for if you’re building applications for GSM or 3G networks, wish you had sample code for reality-based applications, or want to add mobile extensions to your software products and corporate network. In this straight-talking tutorial, smart card expert Scott Guthery teams with information management specialist Mary Cronin to provide you with authoritative guidance on SIM application design, integration, and management for any platform. Seasoned developers will quickly learn how to:

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CHAPTER 2 Basic SMS Messaging CHAPTER 3 Details of SMSSUBMIT and SMSDELIVER CHAPTER 4 SMS Integration CHAPTER 5 SMS Brokers CHAPTER 6 SMS in an Airport Logistics Application CHAPTER 7 The SIM Proactive Commands and Event Download CHAPTER 9 EndtoEnd Security for SMS Messages CHAPTER 11 The USAT Interpreter at Work CHAPTER 12 The USAT Virtual Machine and SIM Toolkit Programs CHAPTER 13 Smart Signatures for Secure Mobile Commerce CHAPTER 14 The ETSI Smart Card Platform APPENDIX STANDARDS FOR SMS AND THE SIM ABOUT THE AUTHORS CHAPTER 10 The SmartTrust Microbrowser and the 3GPP USAT Interpreter

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Об авторе (2001)

SCOTT B. GUTHERY is one of the best-known names in the technical aspects of smart cards. As Chief Technology Officer of Mobile-Mind, a provider of wireless consulting services and SIM applications, he was the lead designer of Microsoft's Smart Card for Windows. He also led the team that developed the first Java Card. A regular contributor to GSM and 3G standards, he holds 3 patents for smart card applications and real-time systems. He is the convener of the Architecture Working Group of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Smart Card Platform (SCP) project.

MARY J. CRONIN, Mobile-Mind President, is the author of five books on technology and business strategy, including Doing Business on the Internet, a groundbreaking work that has been translated into 10 languages. As a Professor of Management at Boston College, Dr. Cronin specializes in Electronic Commerce, International Telecommunications, and Wireless Information Management.

Библиографические данные

Название Mobile Application Development with SMS and the SIM Toolkit
Professional Telecom
Авторы Scott C. Guthery , Mary J. Cronin
Издатель McGraw Hill Professional, 2001
ISBN 0071394478, 9780071394475
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 304
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan